Blended and Remote Learning
It is change aplenty this year in Coláiste Choilm as we move to a ‘blended learning’ approach. Put simply, ‘blended learning’ is an approach that combines face-to-face AND online learning experiences for the student. There will be a big emphasis on the use of MS Office for this. All students are provided with MS Office user accounts by the school. This new approach will be tailored to the student meaning they will not be expected to buy any additional specific device. Instead, they will be shown how to submit their homework and assignments using any existing phone, tablet, laptop or home computer they may have. Initial teacher training has begun in MS Teams and MS Class Notebook (OneNote) which will facilitate this, with student training to follow thereafter. This is an exciting, yet considerable undertaking for our school community, one that will take patience, cooperation and understanding from all.
All of the following resources will help with the transition to Blended Learning and indeed with Remote Learning in the event of a Government directed school closure.
Guidelines for Students & Teachers
Please click here or on the icon below to view our guidelines on remote learning for Remote Learning

Getting started with MS Teams
Please click here or on the icon below to view a PDF on how to get started with MS Teams.
PLEASE NOTE that we use a combination of MS Teams and MS OneNote when students submit their work for correction by teacher using a stylus pen. This is a slightly different approach to the one outlined in this PDF by Microsoft. Please see further resources below outlining the steps we would like students to take for submitting their work.

MS Teams Demo for Parents & Guardians
As per our recent survey, please see below, a quick demonstration video on how to use the various functions of MS Teams.