Bullying of any description is not tolerated in Coláiste Choilm.
We want to make sure that our school is a safe and welcoming place for everyone. To help us achieve this goal, we have created an anonymous reporting form for students to report any incidents of bullying that they may witness or experience.
We understand that bullying can be a sensitive topic and can often make students feel uncomfortable. That's why we want to provide a safe and confidential way for you to share your experiences without fear of retaliation or judgement.
We take all reports of bullying seriously and will work to ensure that appropriate action is taken to address any incidents. By reporting any incidents of bullying, you are helping us to create a school environment where everyone feels valued and respected.
Please take a few moments to fill out the form below, and let us know if you have witnessed or experienced any bullying. Your report will be kept confidential, and we will not share any identifying information unless required by law.
Thank you for helping us to make our school a safe and inclusive place for all students.